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Printer bemoans lack of knowledge about greaseproof and grease resistant papers

"Buyers of packaging disposables in the foodservice, hospitality and retail food industries should know and understand the difference between natural greaseproof and grease resistant paper. But too many don't!."

This is the forthright view of Mike Wescomb, sales and marketing director of The Greaseproof Printing Company. He was speaking at the launch of, the newly established brand and sister of The Gourmet Food Wrap Company, the litho printer behind The Daily Catch. This is the 100 per cent food-safe newspaper-style printed natural greaseproof paper, much loved by those who wish to recreate the tradition of wrapping fish and chips in newspaper.

Mr Wescomb said: "In the hospitality industry printed natural greaseproof and grease resistant sheets are used by both chains and individual operators as wraps, liners for wire baskets, stainless steel buckets and pizza boxes, place mats, printed menus or simply put on wooden boards or slates on which sizzling or cold food can be placed.

"In addition to their functionality printed greaseproof sheets are a fantastic way of communicating your brand values to customers

"However, not enough restaurateurs, gastro-pubs, foodservice operators, casual dining chains and food retailers are aware that grease resistant papers are chemically treated - known as FCT or Fluoro-Chemical give them grease resistance.

"They tend to tear much more easily because their low KIT rating, the measurement used by the paper industry to gauge grease resistance.  Plus their thermal properties are not as good as natural greaseproof, which because of the way it is made  exceeds the highest kIT rating possible."

The Greaseproof' Printing Company's natural greaseproof paper does not have any chemical treatments or coatings. It acquires its greaseproof properties during the pulping process - its fibres become so tightly entwined that the spaces between them are smaller than a grease molecule. It is therefore fully recyclable and we the paper is sourced from mills using raw material from sustainably managed forests internationally accredited by the FSC.

Mr Wescomb added: "We have launched a new website in order to give as much information as possible. For those who really care about their customers, the food their customers eat and the environment then our new Au Naturel range is for them. By using natural greaseproof paper and the next generation of natural inks it really is a natural solution for those with print runs of at least 20,000 sheets.

Mr Wescomb finished by urging buyers to check that their printers are BRC accredited in order that they can buy with the utmost confidence. "The latest standard requires documented procedures covering all activities such as the collation and receipt of artwork and related information, customer's approval, print validation trials and print equipment verification before use. It also requires documented procedures for controlling artwork and making sure all electronic files should be secure."


Issued by The Greaseproof Printing Company

Press enquiries to:

Garry Parker
Marketing and Business Development Manager
The Greaseproof Printing Company

Tel: 07557 859730


  • Mike Wescomb - Buyers are lacking knowledge

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